Monacor SA-800 Part I

This post is the first post in a cycle concerning analysis of electronic circuit of Monacor Solid State Stereo SA-800 Amplifier. It is an audio amplifier produced in the 70s [1]. Official amplifier documentation is not available at the manufacturer website. The main source of information about the amplifier was, which has photos of amplifier documentation (including electronic circuit). It is available at [1].

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DIY Audio Amplifier Project Part II

This post is a continuation of the two-part series of posts describing the audio amplifier I built. The first article can be accessed at this link. This post presents the physical construction of the device. It discusses defects of the amplifier of which I became aware after constructing the physical device. Process of starting the device, adding corrections to address the found issues and performance of the amplifier is also provided here.

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DIY Audio Amplifier Project Part I

This post is the first of a two-part series of articles about an audio amplifier I built as a DIY project for the purpose of learning electronics. The post discusses design of electronic circuit of the amplifier. It also discusses simulations and analyses that were run on the KiCad amplifier model to check if the amplifier operation meets expectations. While designing the amplifier I used Audio Power Amplifier Design Handbook as a reference. Most of the ideas used to create the project is taken from this book, although my amplifier is not a direct copy of any amplifier presented there. In the second article I plan to describe the physical construction of the amplifier, process of starting it and its performance.

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